Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Baby Laurel & Pregnancy

I have some time on my hands. Blake is watching cartoons and Ian doesn't feel so good. He has been having a headache since yesterday afternoon - so I'm killing time until we see the doctor this afternoon. (Another Dr, saw one last night) I probably should be doing laundry and catching up on some household chores, but blogging is keeping my mind off Ians headache... which is making me think about his Brain Tumor....

Here is some happy news. I am 28 weeks pregnant and despite a rocky start of the vertigo and getting that fixed and the Gestational Diabetes (which I am not taking meds for) and the hormone shot that I have to take every week (in my bootie) to try to keep her from coming to early... geez that sounds like a lot doesn't it? I feel fine... with an occasional contraction/Braxton Hicks daily. The Army Base has finally kicked me off post to a civilian doctor (which I have been trying to see all along with the history of my preemies) so I will start seeing her next week - since my history of delivery at 35 @ 33 1/2 weeks are fast approaching.....

Here are some pictures of the nursery. Really can't do to much since we are renting the house but I am nesting, so I'm setting it up little by little. :)

Crib with Flower Quilt made by Chelsey and Jeffs Baby Blanket (the yellow one) still waiting on bedding to get mailed to me. And we aren't leaving the crib there with my fear of her getting tangled in the blinds and getting all wrapped up!

Pink Pink Pink

Baby Laurel

Cute Foot!

1 comment:

April said...

I am so excited for you to have a little girl!! I just love mine so much. I know boys are great too, but you just wait and see, she'll be so much fun.